... looking at the whole person
Your teeth are part of your body. Tooth, gum and jaw diseases - as well as other problems - are frequently interdependent. For instance, chronic back pain often originates in the posture of your jaw and the way you bite. Similarly, periodontitis (gum disease resulting in tooth loss) often causes heart disease. So I talk at length to each patient, identify every aspect of the problem, and try to pinpoint the source.
... prevention is better than treatment
The basis of healthy teeth is prevention (prophylaxis), and the aim of every dentist should be to help patients keep their natural teeth into old age. Prophylaxis also goes hand in hand with effective treatment. Preventive procedures like brushing and flossing not only preserve your natural teeth but also maximise the benefits of treatment.
... using the most up-to-date diagnostics for the most successful therapy
Modern tests can detect disease or the risk of damage long before the patient is aware of any problem. Knowledge of which tests to use in each case gives the best long-term results, and reduces the costs of treatment.
... continuous improvement
Therefore I need the most thorough and up to date clinical knowledge, and this involves me in a process of continuous improvement - not only keeping abreast of clinical developments, but also developing and maintaining absolute meticulousness and precision in surgical technique.
... appearance and function
My goal is to achieve a perfect balance between the appearance, shape and function of your teeth. These elements are interdependent and inseparable. A badly functioning tooth has neither the right shape nor a good appearance. A tooth with a bad appearance or shape will not function well. I pride myself on having a natural "eye" that makes me content with nothing short of the perfect finish - aesthetically and functionally.