Knee problems arising from poor crowns?
When the teeth of the upper and lower jaw do not fit correctly to each another, closing the mouth automatically shifts the jaw to a new position. This creates pressure on the surrounding muscles. In technical language this disorder between the upper and lower jaw is called craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD).
This deformity of the upper and lower jaw can be caused by improper orthodontic treatments, bad dentures, inadequate fillings or congenital malocclusions. Even a whiplash injury or severe psychological stress can contribute.
Possible symptoms of CMD may be cracking or grinding noises in the jaw, mouth opening problems, ear pain, tinnitus, vertigo and balance disorders up to back and knee pain.

A functional splint made of plastics supports the recovery of the normal bite of the patient. The splint is worn at night on the bottom teeth row. It causes an even loading of the jaw muscles. As the jaw muscles are connected to the neck muscles, and these in turn are connected to the back muscles, the splint also affects the patient's posture in a positive manner. It is therefore imperative that the use of the splint is coordinated with a physical therapist or an orthopedist. Only if the splint influences the body posture positively, the symptoms are alleviated.
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